Monday, January 8, 2007

Fight Club

The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club because honestly who'd listen. This movie was a grade A, trying so hard to be deep and clever garbage. I'd go into detail about the plot if the movie had one . Edward Norton's done better in Death to Smoochy and Helena Bohnam Carter has never looked better... physically. This entire movie was basically just another excuse for Brad Pitt to not wear a shirt. The most satisfying part is anytime Edward Norton is getting his ass kicked or perhaps when he blows his brains out at the end of the movie, the only drawback being he survives and his voice is even more irritating. I'd rather hear Gilbert Godfried sing the National Anthem than listen to Edward Norton's lisp infected mispronounciation of the letter S for another minute. My advice to Edward Norton would be try harder to not mess up putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger and as far as Brad Pitt is concerned, he should consider pursuing that career in the soap industry.


007 said...

I actually havn't seen this movie, but I think it's on this weekend. Maybe I'll check it out.

Steff said...

I'm thinking I pretty much love the same movies you do, so I will definitely be reading this blog.

The Ice Rasta said...

Hahah, best line ever:

"The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club because honestly, who'd listen?"

YES. Crusht.

I like this blog. Kudos, Cappy. I'll be a regular subscriber LOLOLOLZZZ431``A!!!!XOXOXOXO

Fashionation said...

i have to say good movie..good movie. Very messed up but good. why would people want to get hurt for fun...ahhh

Steve Joao said...

I agree this movie really doesn't have a plot and Edward Norton's acting job in this movie is border line the worst acting job I've seen.

Steve Joao said...
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